DNS Tool

Check Your Custom Domain with Our DNS Mapping Tool

If you are opting to use the Custom Domain Mapping option with LibGuides / CMS, LibAnswers, or LibCal, use the form below to check if your address has been properly configured by your IT group.

Frequently Asked Questions:
- Why do I need a Custom Domain?
- What hostname target should I use when creating my "CNAME" record?
- My IT department says we have to create an "A" record - what IP should I use?
- My domain is working from my computer but not from outside our network. Help?
- Why do we need to create an external record?
- Is this name OK? - http://library.myschool.edu/libguides
- Do I need my IT department to do this? Can't you do it?
Ready to test? First, select your application: Then, enter your custom domain: