Personalized Help
Our Consulting Team offers a helping hand when you're short on time, staff, or expertise!
We understand that you often work under tight deadlines, have limited staff, or just want to make sure things are done right the first time. That’s where our Consulting Team comes in! Our friendly experts help you build stunning, functional websites, get you up and running faster, and provide valuable training to set you up for success.
With a wealth of experience in libraries along with extensive product knowledge, our experts understand your unique workflows and needs.
Our Most Popular Services for Maximum Impact
All Available Packages
Design & Build
We'll do the heavy lifting by setting up your brand-new LibAnswers or LibCal platforms or designing/overhauling your LibGuides system to serve as your library website.
LibGuides Accessibility Review
Get accessibility guidance from Springy Experts on your LibGuides site content. In our full report, we'll suggest changes, and demonstrate how to use LibGuides to make those edits.
Implementation Strategy Sessions
Get guidance from experts as you’re setting up your system, with call time available to answer any ongoing setup and site organization questions specific to your site.
Setup for Success Implementation Package
Let us work with you to discuss your goals and explain how to configure and customize your system to meet those needs. We’ll provide prioritized email support and conduct a training session focused on either admin or staff users.
Assess & Update
Have an existing LibAnswers, LibCal, or LibGuides site that needs a little love? We’ll work with you to review your site and provide recommendations on updating site organization, guide/page design, content management, and utilizing new features.
New Admin Onboarding
Are you a new admin taking over an established site? Get up to speed with one or more Springshare products. We'll give you a tour of the product(s), review the features your organization uses, highlight areas you're underutilizing, and provide a recommended learning plan to dive deeper into specific functionality.
Private Training
Arrange for private group training sessions for your staff, aligned to your institution's needs or goals. Get your staff solidly educated on the basics and best practices. Sessions are recorded for your future reference.
Setup Package Add-ons
Need help customizing the look and feel of your LibAnswers, LibCal, or LibGuides site in addition to getting it set up? We can help by implementing one of our standard themes, using your colors, fonts, logos, and header/footer menu items.
Springy Experts & Custom Packages
Do you need one-on-one assistance or help with a specific project outside of our packages? Our Springy experts can help figure out the best way to tackle your specific project. Drop us a line; our experts are here for you.
Ready for the Next Steps?
When you need our Springy consulting experts to help you design your new library website, or overhaul your current Springshare tools - give us a ring, we can help!