We help libraries thrive in a digital-first world.

Create content, curate resources, share knowledge, answer questions, engage with users, analyze servicesall with the Springshare platform.

Your Digital Transformation Partner

Our team of librarians and software developers have decades of experience, extensive know-how, and a proven track record of helping libraries thrive in a digital-first world.

The World's Largest Librarian Co-Op

Our 24/7 reference team, combined with hundreds of Co-Op libraries worldwide, can provide your users with 24/7/365 virtual reference and research assistance.

LibApps - Affordable, Easy-to-Use SaaS Platform

The LibApps platform is the affordable, easy-to-use solution for libraries seeking to improve and build strong online services. From subject guides and data analysis to event calendars and chat-with-a-librarian services, our software is designed with both the user and librarian in mind. Each of our tools offers functionality that connects users to valuable library resources.

We're Focused on Helping You Succeed

Legendary Support

The Springshare Team has built a great reputation for providing the best customer service in the library market. Our librarian-staffed support team pairs an in-depth product knowledge with practical library experience to bring you the best possible help.

Vibrant User Community

Get inspired, share best practices, and exchange ideas as part of our active user community. The Springshare Lounge is a user-focused site that is brimming with activity. Our Community sites allow librarians to share templates and content.

World's Largest 24/7 Librarian Co-Op

Our 24/7 Chat Co-Op is the world's largest librarian-staffed virtual reference cooperative. The Co-Op's MLS-degreed librarians from around the world assist hundreds of libraries in providing round-the-clock 24/7/365 online chat coverage. With millions of answered chats and satisfied patrons, help us help you provide guaranteed librarian help for your community. Our flexible service model is tailored for each customer, and we ensure that your online visitors always have a librarian available to assist them with their research and information needs.

Latest Blog Posts

LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal and LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal and LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

March 14, 2025
Can’t Get Enough of LibMaps? We’ve Added More Sneak Peeks!

Can’t Get Enough of LibMaps? We’ve Added More Sneak Peeks!

March 10, 2025
March Maintenance Magic

March Maintenance Magic

March 4, 2025

Customer Love

"Springshare is a phenomenal company with products and people that can't be beat. With LibGuides CMS and LibCal we have everything we need - an amazing website, organized library guides, calendars for our hours and events, and more forms and feedback than we could ever use."
Joli McClelland
Queens University of Charlotte
"In the past, we had virtual reference services scattered through different systems. LibAnswers makes it easy by putting them all in one place. Even better, it allows us to collect and analyze data on all our reference services to inform decision-making."
Gabe Gossett
Western Washington University
"I love LibGuides. It gives us a simple, customizable framework to build our research guides that doesn't take an experienced web designer to use. It makes it easy and efficient to build new guides and update old ones, and it's easy to train new librarians and staff to use."
Jason Puckett
Georgia State University
"Springshare's flexibility in meeting needs of a variety of populations and bridging service failure areas, plus being able to bet on and try ideas instantly, creates an agile environment."
Rhonda K. Kitchens
State College of Florida

Ready for the Next Steps?

Request a product demo or ask us specific use-case questions. We're here for you and we look forward to demonstrating how Springshare can help you engage and impress your users.